Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Is Taser Gun the best Self Defense Weapon for Women?

Taser gun or stun gun is considered to be the best weapon for women. Yes, there are many reasons for this.

This is the weapon that meets their requirements. There is no other weapon that provides features that this small device offers.

And as far as women are concerned, they are eager to utilize those features.

So, how is taser the best self defense weapon for women? Following reasons determine why women are keen to use this than any other weapon:

Non Lethal

Perhaps the biggest reason for women to prefer taser gun is that it is non lethal. Most of the weapons available in the market are lethal and cause long term injuries.

Women are reluctant to use these lethal and threatening weapons. Taser does not cause any long term injury.

Rather, it just delivers an electrical shock which immobilizes the attacker. Hence, the non lethal nature of this weapon attracts women.

Small and Easy to Carry

Taser gun is usually very small. It is so small that it fits into the pocket very easily. This is what women love.

They want small weapons that can be carried in the pocket or their handbags. This small device is easy to carry in handbags or even in the pockets of their pants.

Interesting Designs

Interesting designs of stun guns also attract women. They come in several different designs, such as cell phone stun guns, flashlight stun gun, and lipstick stun gun etc.

Women specifically like lipstick designs because it is like carrying another cosmetic in the bag. So, this is another reason why women are inclined towards this weapon.

Easy to Use

Another reason which proves that taser gun is the best self defense weapon for women is the ease of use.

This small device is perhaps the easiest to use and this is enough for women to inspire them. All they need to do is touch the device with the body of the attacker to cause damage.

Read Also: Knuckle Duster for Self Defense - Is it Effective?

Friday, November 8, 2019

3 Perfect Knuckle Dusters for All Types of Users

Knuckle duster is also known as brass knuckles, and sometimes known as knucks. It is a small sized weapon that is worn around the knuckles. 

Perhaps, it is the most popular self defense weapons as well. Today, it is being used for fighting the attackers. 

However, there are plenty of different uses of this weapon. At times, it serves as a paperweight and sometimes as a cosplay weapon. 

Hence, there are different users of this weapon. Anyways, we have come up with three perfect knuckle dusters that can serve all types of users. 

1. Real Brass Fist Duster Paperweight Knuckle Buckle

This knuckle duster is the most gorgeous piece on this list. This is exactly the weapon that can serve every user. 

If you are looking for a solid weapon to battle the attackers, this is the one for you. It is made of real bass and has immense strength.

One punch with it is enough to knock down the attacker and scare him away. Also, it is a beautiful piece to have as a paperweight at the office. 

2. Life or Death Titanium Knuckle Buckle Paperweight

This is another lovely knuckle duster with a different design. It can be an excellent cosplay weapon. I recommend this to cosplayers in particular. 

They can have a lifetime experience wearing this for their LARP, especially when they have to represent a real badass character. 

Also, it looks great to be used as a paperweight. This is a weighty item that can control your papers on your desk. 

3. Out of the Flames Retribution Stare Knuckle Gold

Now, this is something special. It has the loveliest design as you can see. A beautiful color scheme makes it look fabulous. 

Moreover, this knuckle duster can serve all types of users. It is up to you how you want to use it. 

Make it your paperweight, cosplay weapon or defender.

Read Also: What I Like and Dislike About Butterfly Knife